Friday, 14 January 2011


I choose to analyse 'Sixth Sense for my pysplogical thriller. Typical conventions of this type of film, such as an un-predictable plot, dimensions being crossed, clever and generally thriling events that help to grip and engage us as an audience giving us a memerable viewing experience, are what makes the film a psyocological thriller. The plot is closely linked with horror, exploring the super natural side of imagination. Deaing with ghosts or spirits is ofte a topic a horror film would expand upon, however in the film ghosts are used to explain a childs struggle and power, and also a mans realisation of his life. The film perhaps makes us think more, instead of displaying gore or violence, which is also why this film is a pysocologcal thriller.

Throughout the film a twisted and surpirsing plot is followed, as a Shink type councilor ( Bruce Willis) aims to build a relationship with, and subsequently comort and help a young boys frightening gift/curse- seeng dead peole. However after a long and un-revealing wait, we come to realise that Willis himself, is actually dead and therfore has been communicating is spirit form to the child. This is a typical convention of a psycological thriller, using a totally un-predictable plot to lead the audience intoa totally different direction with their trail of thoughts, before showing the truth.
The continous cross between the norm, and the supernatural world is aso another conention makig this film a thriller. The constant cross can make us emphazise, and resent th ghosts, toying withour emotions.
Finally, like in most over pyslogical thiller, there is no real hero. Except, all main chracters coming to terms with the issues, and trying to perse a path to combatting them. This is yet another convention included throughout the film that makes it a pyscological thriller

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