We have alanysed the Thriller Opening Video; Negative
All of the shots were very clear and help with no movement to confuse the audince. Possibly shot with a constant tripod, if not then hand held camera was extremely still.
- Framing a Shot Including& Excluding Elements
The framing of the shots was used very appropriatel, for instance the close up frame of the Pearly eyering that fell, excluding all other props
- Variety of Shot Distances
There wasnt an amazing amount of variation between shot distances, but i found this appropriate to the opening as it suited the events much more
- Shooting Material Appropriate to the Task
Appropriate material was selected such as the use of a camera room, which obviously goes hand in hand with negative images
- Selecting the Mise-En-Scene
Location and lighting was appropriate, generally mise-en-scene suited well.
- Editing So that Meaning Is Aparent
Editing such as using a reverse of what has happened, but making the audio negative therefore complies with the title which makes the events apparent
- Using Varied Shot Transitions and Effects
The negative effects suited what was happening, as the title was 'negative' so this suited perfectly
The sound provided was extremely wel produced and suited the opening very well, adding to the success of the opening.
- Using Titles Appropriately
The title was used very well and showed clearly what it was called, as well as using interesting ways to display the title and credits